Executive, Wellbeing & Life Coach

Experienced and passionate executive wellbeing & life coach based in Edinburgh.

Lyn Ray Coaching Fife

My Story

Growing up, I guess, as a woman I wanted the holy grail.  I wanted to have a family but also a career that I loved.  I wanted to see the world and live in a nice place so earning a decent salary seemed essential too.  I wasn’t sure how to achieve this but going to university seemed a good place to start.   So, I worked hard, got on the course I wanted and off I went.

I loved University - the freedom, the camaraderie, the growth. Hard work but lots of fun too.  But what next?  There was no conscious plan, but I needed a job.  One came up in the food industry, I applied and got it, and so my career began.  

The chilled food industry is fast-paced, and the hours were long.  In the early days I worked in a male dominated environment and I was conscious I felt that I needed to prove that I was as good as the men I worked alongside.  I followed my old pattern.  I worked hard and got promoted.  I enjoyed the work I did, I loved the variety, I was proud of the products we developed and the customers we worked with.  They demanded high standards, but I respected that and didn’t want to let them down.  I was fortunate to work with some great people who I learnt so much from.

Imposter Syndrome, Stress & Anxiety

On the surface I was performing well in a senior role, but it was coming at a cost.  I was stressed and anxious much of the time and was plagued by Imposter Syndrome, perfectionism and a harsh inner critic.  I didn’t know or understand these terms then, or why I felt them, but now I do.  Restructures, redundancy and a long commute didn’t help either.

When we had our son, I faced a dilemma.  I couldn’t rationalise how I could be a great Mum and be great at my job.  I felt I’d barely been managing with just the job!  And now I had the fear that I could mess up this tiny human who we had brought into our lives.  

Life Changes

The year previously, Simon (my husband) had set up his own business, so we decided I would join Simon and we would build the business in a way that would allow us both to be there for our kids but whilst providing for us financially.  It was a gamble, but it paid off.

For the next 13 years we built the business and our family together but many of the old feelings and behaviours followed me.  Life was busy with the kids, work and the house, and I was frustrated and unfulfilled in the work I was doing.  There had to be more to life than this!

Life Coaching Career

I knew I needed to make changes, not just for my sake but for my family too.  I started listening to personal development audiobooks and making changes in my life.  Ultimately this led me to retrain as a life coach, and there has been a quantum shift in how I feel about myself, my abilities and my life.  Now I live in a way that works for me both personally and professionally.  I am happier, energised and fulfilled.  I am also a much nicer person to be around!  

I have a Diploma in Transformational Coaching accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF) and the Association for Coaching (AC), a Certificate in Positive Psychology and a Certificate in Group Coaching & Facilitation. I have completed a Neurodiversity in Coaching: Context & Skills for Effective Practice course and am a neurodivergence aware coach 

I am passionate about helping people to live and work smarter, not harder.   I believe this is the key to greater happiness and fulfilment for individuals which has a wider positive impact on our families, companies and society.

The only person who knows what’s right for you is you!

Lyn Ray Coaching Fife
Lyn Ray Coaching Fife
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